Direct Healthcare for Iowa, including Virtual Care Services
Direct Primary Healthcare
Simple Monthly Cost
Top rated by clients
Schedule Your Visit
Meet With Peter
Feel Better
Meet with Peter from anywhere you can access the internet. on your phone or computer. We will send you the link, just click and connect!
Call or request your visit online at Connected Care NP. We will email you simple forms to complete.
Pick up necessary prescriptions at your preferred pharmacy. Connect with your pharmacy to see when they will have your Rx ready.
How it Works
Simple healthcare with one monthly fee, no hassle.
Prescriptions, labs, imaging, and referrals ordered as needed.
Additional prescription therapies, including medical weight loss prescriptions, peptides, and Testosterone Therapy (TRT), are available at a discounted rate, if desired.
Discounted Add-On Therapies
Prescriptions sent to your preferred pharmacy, with tests and lab work ordered at wholesale prices to the testing center of your choice, utilizing your prescription and health insurance benefits.
Symptom and Condition Treatment
Chronic condition management, along with urgent care symptom assessment and treatment as needed.
A variety of symptoms can be safely treated during a telehealth visit-
Upset Stomach
Cold and Flu Symptoms
Conjunctivitis/Pink eye
Urinary Symptoms (UTI)
Skin Issues
Sexually Transmitted Symptoms
Sinus Infection Symptoms
Medication Refills
Schedule a single Urgent Care virtual appointment for only $75.00
Urgent Care & Single Appointment Options
Have specific concerns? Book appointment at our telehealth, weight loss, and HRT/TRT Clinic today!
Chronic Condition Management for only $100
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